My focus in therapy is on changing here-and-now patterns between patient and therapist. This will make you see how we relate to each other and how this reflects your relational experience in your life and how you can change it. In a long term, you will better understand your past schemas and give meaning to unexpected reactions and symptoms. We will explore your bodily responses in search of possibly buried or protected emotions (anger, fear, joy, sadness). Sometimes your anxiety will help us to rediscover emotions, thoughts, desires, and longings that were securely locked under a tension of anxious, constricted body and mind causing symptoms ranging from minor distractions, and obsessive thoughts to bodily tensions, pains, and tiredness.
Throughout the course of psychotherapy, we will discover links between your past, present, and future in a form of future wishes, desires, or worries. This will help you to give meaning and understanding to your current life situation and the way you experience your life. On the other hand, looking into your specific current life situations and therapeutic relationship will provide you with the experiences necessary to see yourself from a perspective and decide what serves you well and what stands in the way to a fuller life.

I work under continuous supervision. I’m trained as psychotherapist in Associação Portuguesa Psicoterapia Psicanalítica (APPSI) and pursuing training in Intense Short Dynamic Therapy (ISTDP).
I facilitate workshops on assertiveness, interpersonal training, anti-bias education, theatre of the oppressed, and contact improvisation.
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